How to Reach a Live Person at the IRS — FAST

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The IRS is notoriously difficult to get a hold of, and this can be a problem when you have an issue with your taxes or your refund. Here are a list of ways that you can get assistance with issues you are experiencing.

Taxpayer Assistance Centers

First, you can contact the Taxpayer Assistance Centers. Typically these are only open on weekdays, but there are a handful of weekend dates that are available for you to go in and get face-to-face assistance. You can find more information here.

Taxpayers can ask specific questions about reconciling, child tax credits, audits or tax bills. Attendees should come prepared with a government photo, issued ID, Social Security card, or ITIN, and any correspondence or IRS letters or notices.

Taxpayer Advocate Service

The next resource is the Taxpayer Advocate Service. The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the IRS, and they are there to ensure that taxpayers are treated fairly and that you understand your rights. You can call into the Taxpayer Advocate Service or you can submit a request for assistance form, which you can find linked here.


Lastly, if you have not been successful in reaching the IRS or the Taxpayer Advocate Service, you can utilize a third party service called Claimyr, which will redial their number for you automatically and guarantee you receive a call back from a live agent. Use this link if you would like to save $5 on your first call.

If you chose not to go through a third party service and are still unsuccessful in reaching the IRS or the Taxpayer Advocate Service, you can contact your State Assembly member. Your State Assembly member can work as a liaison between the IRS or the Taxpayer Advocate Service, and potentially get you the assistance you need. Click here to find your State Assembly member.

If you would like to learn more about way to contact the IRS, you can watch the video here.


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