5 Profitable Businesses You Can Start with $0

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Starting a business and making money online is easier these days than ever before BUT there is one thing which holds many back from never getting started…and that is MONEY.

It may seem impossible to start a profitable business with $0 when there are so many things needed to get up and running, but I’m going to show you 5 businesses you can start with $0 in 2022.

First, there are a few non-negotiable in order to make these successful.

#1 — All will require hard work, dedication, and consistency.

#2 — All will require driving traffic to your business, product, or online content, so you must invest TIME in free online marketing methods such as utilizing platforms which allow you to reach large audiences for free such as Tik Tok, Pinterest, and Instagram.

#3 — You’ll want to know how to set up your business legally and plan for taxes.

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The first profitable $0 startup business idea is something everyone is talking about, but few are showing how to to do FOR FREE — dropshipping. Popular Youtubers are sharing their stats and showing that they are raking in over 6 figures dropshipping, but most are utilizing paid platforms to set up their store. To do this for free, use BIG CARTEL to create a free online store.

Next, search TikTok for the hashtag “Tik Tok made me buy it” to get product ideas. Then locate the product on Aliexpress  make sure you look for product ship times to ensure you are choosing a product that won’t take too long to arrive.

Next, create a TikTok account for your business and post at least 1 brief, under 10 second video per day featuring the product. With using this free setup, you will be able to start for $0, and you will need to manually place the orders with Aliexpress to ship to your customers once they place their order with you — so you will likely want to migrate over to using a paid service such as Shopify or Wix later on — but this method will allow you to start for free right away.

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The next profitable $0 startup business idea is teaching on Outschool. Outschool is a platform which allows anyone to teach what they know to students — there are classes for everything including making pretend treasure maps, art projects, coding, cooking, and more — if a child or parent may be interested in your class, you can teach it. There are no credentials necessary, and many Outschool teachers make 6 figures with popular courses. Because the platform draws in its own target customers, you have access to ready-to-book customers with little to no marketing as long as you create an appealing course with a good description, visually appealing thumbnail, and focus on a subject or skill you can teach well.

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The next $0 startup business idea is to start as a freelance writer. Creating articles on medium is FREE — you do not need a paid account, and once you have 100 subscribers, you are able to enter the Medium Partner Program which will result in being paid each time someone reads your article. Once you have built up a collection of articles, Medium will begin to track your niche and suggest your content to more readers. To get your work in front of more viewers, you’ll want to submit your articles to publications on the Medium platform in order to get more exposure. Creating consistent, niched-down, frequent content here is key.

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The next $0 startup business idea is creating low content books and self publishing them on Kindle Direct Publishing so that they are available for purchase on Amazon. Publishers who create a large library of low content books for sale can earn six figure incomes if they devote enough time to creating a large variety of books available for purchase. Set up a free membership with Canva in order to quickly design your book covers and use their free design elements — as long as you are creating your own design with the element or changing the original, it is completely fine to sell products using Canva’s elements according to their terms of use. Next, set up a free trial account with BookBolt and create and download your interior pages in various sizes. Create a FREE account on KDP and publish your books!

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The last profitable business to start with no money is selling digital downloads on Etsy. There’s a wide variety in terms of what TYPE of digital download you may want to create and sell. Many customers are looking for a product they can download a print themselves in order to save money such a wall art prints, planners, event table numbers, etc. Many are looking for downloadable templates they can customize for things like social media content, business documents such as invoices, marketing materials, or informative guides. While others may be looking for educational materials such as homeschooling materials, art projects, and more. I’m including this in the FREE businesses to start list, but Etsy does charge you twenty cents to create the listing — so there is a very small fee here. If you need to design your product, use a free account on Canva and create images and mockups to make the product more appealing on Canva as well. Etsy will allow you to reach more buyers who are already searching on the platform than simply starting your own website and hoping to be found.

Want to learn more about growing your small business? Watch the video here!


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